This blog is no more, no less than humans, technology, architecture
- yep, all that drives Vividly.

DIGILIVES, Research & Projects Vividly DIGILIVES, Research & Projects Vividly

Empowering Vocational Education Students(VET): Digital Tools for Life Coping Skills

By integrating these digital tools into vocational education, the EU is taking significant strides toward decreasing the dropout rate. Empowering students with life coping skills not only equips them for the workforce but also enhances their overall quality of life. As we continue to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of education, these tools play a crucial role in nurturing resilient, adaptable, and successful students.

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DIGILIVES, Research & Projects Vividly DIGILIVES, Research & Projects Vividly

Better Study Life at VET-Institutions

The DIGI LIVES project aims to create new, inventive methods to approach the challenges that students at many VET institutions experience today at study start and in the study environment. DIGI LIVES partner NLP Aalborg/ Center for Unges Livsmestring has worked intensively with students and educators at three partnering VETs to co-create life-coping methods to tackle challenges in study life. The outcome and inventiveness of students and educators at the workshops will be further digitalized by software project partner, Vividly. 

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