Sainoo magazine: Growing with Gunita Kuļikovska, Founder and CEO of Vividly
Our founder and CEO - Gunita Kulikovska, zoomed in with Kadi Diallo from Sainoo to zoom out and look at the big picture of the journey called - company development. Not a usual MBA graduate talk, neither a usual startup founder hashtags. Simply honest and vivid talk and redefining the growth.
Here is a little snippet below.
Read the full interview on Sainoo blog.
Starting a business is really personal, so our personal values and eagerness for development played a big role in defining the company’s early growth. It became a sort of gym for my personal growth too!
“ If you look at nature, nothing healthy grows with such speed and I think this is the same with business. ”
I honestly think that growth is quite overrated KPI, so I am a little distant to hypergrowth ideas popular in the startup ecosystem. Instead, I try to be more connected to my own values.
“[..] stress plus rest equals growth.”
You have these moments of stress, wherein you’re really working hard and then you have these moments where you rest in order to help it become a solid infrastructure. This is what is happening to us at the moment. Business can be very turbulent and dynamic because things are changing every day and therefore you have to adapt. As a result, we’re constantly adapting our strategy every half a year or so, keeping the mission straight.
“ I am heading to the office to create!”
It’s important to ask yourself, if the company was a person, how would you like to build a relationship with the world or other companies, with family and friends? How do you define them? At this point in my personal development and my understanding of the world, I see my company in a very similar way. When we started, we were all about hard work and the obsession of work. Working hard doesn't mean you are creating more. Physical force is just one part of being productive. As same as in athletics the physical condition and talent is wrapped with mental game.Now we focus more on creating, not working. Even when you redefine it loudly for yourself it sounds different - “I am heading to the office to create!”
Read the full interview on Sainoo blog.
p.s. Shoutout to Kadi Diallo who did a great job to put it all together.