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How digital tools transform teachers’ role in classroom.

In this fast-changing, 21st century world, both the role of schools and teachers are rapidly changing. Traditional teachers used to be the controllers of the learning environment,  the information providers using textbooks, and were giving a lot of homework which very often was difficult to assess. In short -  the education was teacher-centered. However new demands and transformations in society - such as the teaching process, the main goals of teaching, development of the economy require changes in workforce education that needs to have different skills now- such as critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and problem-solving. To educate students learning environment and teacher roles have dramatically changed. Learning environments now are student-centered and teachers are facilitators who help students in the learning process and to develop these new skills. 

Digital tools have great importance in ensuring a new type of learning environment and aiding new teacher roles. They enable teachers to provide students with diverse information gathering sources to meet their various needs and different learning styles. Teachers using digital tools can communicate more easily with the students, give them instant feedback and help when they need a teacher as a facilitator. Digital tools with the help of different types of resources - educational videos, instructions and etc. enable teachers to spend less time introducing the subject.

This helps teachers to attract and motivate students as they can use different techniques which help to make more inclusive and joyful educational environment.  The use of digital tools in the classroom helps teachers to make students more active in their learning process and as we know - active and more involved students will learn better and their knowledge will be deeper. Students can learn by doing and making mistakes as digital tools can provide a lot of diverse and accustomed training opportunities and instant feedback.  These digital tools also help to develop students’ creativity. Students can easily prepare a video project or poster for certain subjects and by doing this, they also learn new skills which are not only related to the lesson plan. It is much easier for teachers to assess students’ performance and homework by using digital tools. Teachers have the possibility to prepare quizzes, give video or audio assignments online and also give feedback easily. Another benefit of digital tools is to enable students to study and learn collaboratively. The use of blogs and social media as a tool will improve students’ critical thinking skills. 

It’s not possible to deny, that digital tools have a huge impact on teacher roles nowadays and this impact can bring a great value to the teaching process if it’s used appropriately. As facilitators, teachers need to create a more student-centered learning environment in which students can take responsibility for their learning and use different kinds of resources, learning styles, and tools to gain soft skills. Using digital tools in class will promote teachers’ facilitator role and enable teachers to provide students with diverse content, and different communication, production, and assessment tools. Thus, students will be more engaged in the learning process.